Pietrek, A.G., Cockle, K.L., Izquierdo, A.E., Berrios, V.S., Lyon, B.E. 2024. Habitat occupancy of the threatened Diademed Plover (Phegornis mitchellii) is not affected by llama grazing or peatland size, but declines with peatland humidity. PLoS ONE, 19(7).
Albery, G.F., Becker, D.J., Firth, J.A., Silk, M., Sweeny, A.R., Wal, E.V., Webber, Q., Allen, B., Babayan, S.A., Barve, S., Begon, M, 2024. Density-dependent network structuring within and across wild animal systems. bioRxiv, pp.2024-06.
Iverson, A.R., Humple, D.L., Cormier, R.L., Hahn, T.P., Block, T.A., Shizuka, D., Lyon, B.E., Chaine, A.S., Hudson, E.J., Hull, E.M., 2024. Winter GPS tagging reveals home ranges during the breeding season for a boreal-nesting migrant songbird, the Golden-crowned Sparrow. PLOS ONE, 19(6).
Jones, I.L., Lyon, B.E. 2024. Crested Auklets. Current Biology 33, R1173-R1175. PDF
Block, T.A., Lyon, B.E., Mikalonis, Z., Chaine, A.S., Shizuka, S. 2024. Social connections across migration: Do Golden-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) that socialize in winter also breed together? Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135: 569–575. PDF
Wells C.P., Lyon, B.E., Thow, C.M., Stair, T., Jones, M., Hinton, M., Eadie, J.M. 2024. Limited evidence of biased offspring sex allocation in a cavity-nesting conspecific brood parasite. Behavioral Ecology PDF
Madsen, A.E., Lyon, B.E, Chaine, A.S, Block, T.A. & Shizuka, D. 2023. Loss of flockmates weakens winter site fidelity in golden-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 120 (32) e2219939120 PDF Commentary by deSimone & Cohen PDF
Zink, A. & Lyon B.E. 2022. Natural selection: Fair weather cooperators. Current Biology 232: R1240-1242. (solicited Dispatch article) PDF
Lyon, B.E., Carminati, A., Goggin, G. & Eadie. J.M. 2022. Did extreme nest predation favor the evolution of obligate brood parasitism in a duck? Ecology and Evolution 12:e9251. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Chaine, A.S. 2022. Mobbing for matings: dynamics, plumage correlates, and fitness impacts of conspicuous group extra-pair behaviors in the lark bunting. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 76:1-16 PDF
Eadie, J.M., Lyon, B.E. & Bridge, E.S. 2022. Putting eggs in many baskets. American Scientist 110: 144-146 PDF. Link to longer online version.
Kwon, E., Valcu,M., Cragnolini, M., Martin Bulla, M., Lyon, B.E. & Kempenaers, B. 2022. Breeding site fidelity is lower in polygamous shorebirds and male-biased in monogamous species. Behavioral Ecology 33: 592-605. PDF.
Block, T.A., Star, R., Shizuka, D., Chaine, A.C., Lyon, B.E. 2021. A migratory sparrow has personality in winter that is independent of other traits. Animal Behaviour 178: 217-227. PDF
Thow, C,M., Eadie, J.M., Wells, C.P. & Lyon, B.E. 2021. Pedigree simulations reveal that maternity assignment is reliable in populations with conspecific brood parasitism, incomplete parental sampling and kin structure. Molecular Ecology Resources 22:180-198. PDF
Eadie, J. M. & Lyon, B.E. 2020. Environmentally driven escalation of host egg rejection decimates success of an avian brood parasite. Behavioral Ecology 31:1316-1325. PDF
Sapp, J.R., Yost, J. & Lyon B.E. 2020. Microsatellite evidence shows host-associated population structure and relatedness among neighbors in a social parasite (Polyergus mexicanus). Molecular Ecology 29:2050-2062. PDF
Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2020. How to learn to recognize conspecific brood parasitic offspring. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Shizuka D. 2020. Extreme offspring ornamentation in American coots is favored by selection within families, not benefits to conspecific brood parasites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 117: 2056-2064. PDF. Commentary by Doug Mock PDF
Tariel, J., Longo, G, Quiros, A., Crane N.L, Tenggardjaja, K., Jackson, A., Lyon, B.E. & Bernardi, G. 2019. Alloparental care in the sea: Brood parasitism within and between two species of coral reef Altrichthys damselfish? Molecular Ecology 28: 4680-4691. PDF
Bridge, E.S. et al. 2019. An Arduino-based RFID platform for animal research. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 257. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Zink, A. G. 2018. Evolution: How not to detect a brood parasite. Current Biology 28: R119-121 PDF
Chaine, A.S., Block, T.A., Zhang, L., Shizuka D. & Lyon, B.E. 2018. Manipulating badges of status only fools strangers. Ecology Letters 21:1477-1485. PDF
Lyon, B.E., Eadie, J.M. & Shizuka, D. 2018. Conspecific brood parasites can also help us understand the evolution of tolerance: a comment on Avilés. Behavioral Ecology 29:522-523. PDF Important Supplemental Figure PDF
Lyon, B.E. 2018. Why do some birds carry their chicks? Ecology 99: 241-243. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Eadie, J.M. 2017. Why do birds lay eggs in conspecifics’ nests? In: Soler M (ed) Avian Brood Parasitism - Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution. Springer Nature, Heidelberg. PDF
Lyon B.E. & Eadie J.M. 2017. A comprehensive survey of the life history aspects of conspecific brood parasitism in birds. Dataset posted at Figshare: DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.4787872 (comprehensive dataset from a review on life history characteristics of all birds with conspecific brood parasitism). Access at:
Lyon, B.E. & Shizuka, D. 2017.Context-dependent response to eggs: egg retrieval versus egg rejection in a conspecific brood parasite. Animal Behaviour 132: 281-289. PDF
See also an online blog article I wrote about the study: LINK
Zink, A.G. & Lyon, B.E. 2016. Evolution of conspecific brood parasitism versus cooperative breeding as alternative reproductive tactics. American Naturalist 187: 35-47. PDF
Arnberg, N, Chaine, A.S., Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2015. Social network structure in wintering golden-crowned sparrows is not correlated with kinship. Molecular Ecology 24: 5034-44. PDF
Chaine A.S. & Lyon, B.E. 2015. Signal architecture: temporal variability and individual consistency of multiple sexually selected signals. Functional Ecology 29: 1178-1188. PDF
Lyon, B.E., Shizuka D. & Eadie, J.M. 2015. Interspecific egg rejection as ecological collateral damage from selection driven by conspecific brood parasitism. Animal Behavior 103: 117-124. PDF
Chaine, A.S., Montgomerie R.D. & Lyon, B.E. 2015. Sexual conflict arising from extrapair matings in birds. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 7:a017590. PDF
Shizuka D., Chaine A.S., Anderson, J., Johnson O., Laursen, I.M. &Lyon, B.E. 2014. Across-year social stability shapes network structure in wintering migrant sparrows. Ecology Letters 17: 998-1007. PDF
Pöysa, H., Eadie, J.M.& Lyon, B.E. 2014. Conspecific brood parasitism in waterfowl and the cues parasites use. Wildfowl Special Issue 4: 192-219. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Gilbert, G.S. 2013. Rarely parasitized and unparasitized species mob and alarm call to cuckoos: Implications for Sparrowhawk mimicry by brood parasitic cuckoos. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 627-630. PDF
Chaine A.S., Roth, A., Shizuka D. & Lyon B.E. 2013. Experimental confirmation that avian plumage traits function as multiple status signals in winter flocks. Animal Behaviour 86: 409-415. PDF
Rose, A.P. & Lyon, B.E. 2013. Day length, reproductive effort and the avian latitudinal clutch size gradient. Ecology 94:1327-1337. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Eadie J.M. 2013. Patterns of host use by a precocial obligate brood parasite, the Black-headed Duck: ecological and evolutionary considerations. Chinese Birds 4:71-85. PDF
Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2013. Family dynamics though time: brood reduction followed by parental compensation through aggression and favoritism. Ecology Letters 16: 315-322. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 2012. Sexual selection is a form of social selection. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 2266-2273. PDF
Tobias, J.A., Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 2012. The evolution of female ornaments and weaponry: social selection, sexual selection and ecological competition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 2274-2293. PDF
Eadie. J.M & Lyon, B.E. 2011. The relative role of relatives in conspecific brood parasitism. Molecular Ecology 20: 5114-5118. (Invited News and Views piece) PDF
Arnold, T.W., Shizuka, D, Lyon, B.E., Pelayo, J.T, Mehl, K.R., Traylor,J.J., Reed, W.L.& Amundson,C.L. 2011. Use of nape tags for marking offspring of precocial waterbirds. Waterbirds 34: 312-318. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 2011. Q & A. Current Biology 21: R484-485. PDF
Abbot, P et al. 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 141: Ei-E4. (137 author response to a Nature paper by Nowak, Tarnita & Wilson). PDF
Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2011. Hosts improve the reliability of chick recognition by delaying the hatching of brood parasitic eggs. Current Biology 21:515-519. PDF (Supplemental Information PDF)
Chaine, A.S., Tjernell, K.A., Shizuka, D. and Lyon, B.E. 2011. Sparrows use multiple status signals in winter social flocks. Animal Behaviour 81: 447-453. PDF
Montgomerie, R.D & Lyon, B.E. 2011. Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology (revision of a species account published in 1995). Access available from the Birds of North America Online website with a subscription or by payment LINK
Montgomerie, R.D & Lyon, B.E. 2011. McKay's Bunting (Plectrophenax hyperborieus).The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology (revision of a species account published in 1995). Access available from the Birds of North America Online website with a subscription or by payment LINK
Lyon, B.E. & Shizuka, D. 2010. Communal breeding: clever defence against cheats. (Invited commentary). Current Biology 20: R931-933. PDF
Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2010. Coots use hatch order to learn to recognize and reject conspecific brood parasitic chicks. Nature 463: 223-226. PDF (Supplemental Information PDF) (News and Views PDF)
Shizuka, D. & Lyon, B.E. 2008. Improving the reliability of molecular sexing of birds using a W-specific marker. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1249-1253. PDF
Lyon, BE & Eadie J.McA. 2008. Conspecific brood parasitism in birds: a life history perspective. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 39: 343-363. PDF (Supplemental Information PDF)
Lyon, B.E., Chaine, A.S. & Winkler D.W. 2008. A matter of timing. Science 321: 1051-52. (Invited Perspective piece on the mechanisms of flexibility in life history responses to climate change) PDF
Chaine, A.S. & Lyon, B.E. 2008. Intra-sexual selection on multiple plumage ornaments in the lark bunting. Animal Behavior 76: 657-667. PDF
Chaine A.S. & Lyon, B.E. 2008. Adaptive plasticity in female mate choice dampens sexual selection on male ornaments in the lark bunting. Science 319: 459-62. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 2007. Mechanism of conspecific egg recognition in defenses against brood conspecific brood parasitism: American coots (Fulica americana) know their own eggs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 455-463. PDF
Wasson, K.R. & Lyon, B.E. 2005. Flight or fight: flexible anti-predatory strategies in porcelain crabs. Behavioral Ecology 16: 1037-1041. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 2004. Dirty little secrets. Natural History Magazine June 2004: 18-22. PDF (Popular article about ptarmigan plumage color through dirtying)
Lyon, B.E. & Eadie, J. M. 2004. An obligate brood parasite trapped in the intraspecific arms race of its hosts. Nature 432: 390-393. PDF
Griffith, S.C., Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R. 2004. Quasi-parasitism in birds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 191-200. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 2003. Egg recognition and counting reduce costs of avian conspecific brood parasitism. Nature 422: 495-499. PDF and News and Views
Estes J.A., Riedman, M.L., Staedler, M.M., Tinker, M.T., & Lyon, B.E. 2003. Individual variation in prey selection by sea otters: patterns, causes, and implications. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 144-155. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 2003. Ecological and social constraints on conspecific brood parasitism by nesting female American coots (Fulica americana). Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 47-60. PDF
Lyon, B.E., Hochachka, W.M. & Eadie, J.M. 2002. Paternity-parasitism trade-offs: a model and test of host-parasite cooperation in an avian conspecific brood parasite. Evolution 56: 1253-1266. PDF
Wasson, K. & Lyon B.E. 2002. How are animal care guidelines applied to invertebrates? International Society for Behavioral Ecology Newsletter 14: 17-19 (Commentary invited by editor of Behavioral Ecology) PDF
Wasson, K., Lyon B.E. & Knope, M. 2002. An antipredatory benefit to hair-trigger autotomy in porcelain crabs. Behavioral Ecology 13: 481-486. PDF
Montgomerie, R.D., Lyon, B.E. & Holder, K. 2001. Dirty ptarmigan: behavioural modification of conspicuous male plumage. Behavioral Ecology 12:429-38. PDF (NOTE VERY LARGE FILE 7MB DUE TO HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE!)
Lyon, B.E. & Eadie, J.M. 2000. Family matters: Kin selection and the evolution of conspecific brood parasitism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 97: 12942-12944. PDF
Greene, E.P., Lyon, B.E., Meuhter,V.R., Ratcliff. L., Boag, P.T. & Oliver, S.J. 2000. Disruptive sexual selection for plumage coloration in a monogamous passerine bird. Nature 407: 1000-1003. PDF
Eadie, J.M. & Lyon, B.E. 1998. Cooperation, conflict and crèching behavior in Barrow's Goldeneyes. American Naturalist 151: 397-408. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1998. Optimal clutch size and conspecific brood parasitism. Nature 392: 380-383. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1997. Brood parasitism by shiny cowbirds on chestnut-capped blackbirds: egg morphs and spatial patterns of parasitism. Animal Behaviour 54: 927-939. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Everding, S. 1996 A high frequency of conspecific brood parasitism in a colonial waterbird, the Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis). Journal of Avian Biology 27: 238 - 244. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Cartar, R.V. 1996 Functional significance of the cocoon in two arctic Gynaephora moth species. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London 263: 1159-1163. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 1995. Snow Bunting and McKay's Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis and P. hyperborieus) In The Birds of North America, No. 198-199 (A. Poole, P. Steenheim, and F. Gill eds.) The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia and The American Ornithologists Union, Washington, D.C.
Lyon, B.E., Eadie, J.M. & Hamilton, L.D. 1994. Parental preference selects for ornamental plumage in American coot chicks. Nature 371: 240-243. PDF News and Views PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1994. A technique for measuring chicks from photographs. Condor 96: 805-809. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1993. Conspecific brood parasitism as a flexible female reproductive tactic in American coots. Animal Behaviour 46: 911-928. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1993. Tactics of parasitic American coots: host choice and the pattern of egg dispersion among host nests. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 33: 87-100. PDF
Lyon, B.E., Hamilton, L.D. & Magrath, M. 1992. The frequency of conspecific brood parasitism and the pattern of laying determinancy in yellow-headed blackbirds. Condor 94: 590-597. PDF
Lyon, B.E. 1991. Brood parasitism in American coots: avoiding the constraints of parental care. Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici: pp. 1023-30.
Lyon, B.E. & Eadie, J.McA. 1991. Mode of development and interspecific avian brood parasitism. Behavioral Ecology 2: 309-318. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Fogden, M.P.L. 1989. Breeding biology of the Sunbittern (Eurypyga helias) in Costa Rica. Auk 106: 503-507. PDF
Cartar, R.V. & Lyon, B.E. 1988. The mating system of the buff-breasted sandpiper: lekking and resource defense polygyny. Ornis Scandinavica 19: 74-76. PDF
Lyon, B.E., Montgomerie, R.D. & Hamilton, L.D. 1987. Male parental care and monogamy in snow buntings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 20: 377-382. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 1987. Ecological correlates of incubation feeding: a comparative study of two high arctic finches. Ecology 68: 713-722. PDF
Montgomerie, R.D. & Lyon, B.E. 1986. Does longevity influence the evolution of delayed plumage maturation in passerine birds? American Naturalist 128: 930-936. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 1986. Delayed plumage maturation in passerine birds: reliable signaling by subordinate males? Evolution 40: 605-615. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 1985. Incubation feeding in snow buntings: female manipulation or indirect male parental care? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17: 279-284. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Montgomerie, R.D. 1985. Conspicuous plumages of birds: sexual selection or unprofitable prey? Animal Behaviour 33: 1038-1040. PDF
Lyon, B.E. & Kuhnigk, A. 1985. Observations on nesting ornate hawk-eagles in Guatemala. Wilson Bulletin 97: 141-147. PDF
Montgomerie, R.D., Cartar, R.V., McLaughlin, R.L. & Lyon, B.E. 1983. The birds of Sarcpa Lake, Melville Peninsula, Northwest Territories: breeding phenologies, densities and biogeography. Arctic 36: 65-75 PDF